The BEAST Basketball Philosophy: Built Together, Forged by Many

Here at BEAST, we believe that our philosophy is a collective effort, shaped by the players and coaches who have influenced us throughout the years. While credited to Carlos Humphrey, it's truly the hundreds of individuals who have inspired us along the way that deserve recognition. Together, we have created a program that emphasizes hard work, enjoyment, and the satisfaction that comes from earning our achievements.

We firmly believe that every individual has the potential for significant improvement and growth through dedication, hard work, motivation, and positive reinforcement. In order to achieve our goals as a team, it is vital that BEAST, parents, and players work together to cultivate a positive attitude and environment. Together, we can create the optimal conditions for success.

“If you practice with intensity and purpose,
you’ll play with passion and confidence.”

  • While physical talent is important, we also recognize that it is just one piece of the puzzle. To gain a significant advantage on the basketball court, we need to focus on other aspects of the game as well. These include:

    Intelligence: Understanding the importance of various drills and exercises.

  • Determination: Committing to specific training programs and following through.

  • Pride: Embracing both personal and team pride, giving 100% effort at all times.

  • Mental Toughness: Developing the ability to work through challenges and adverse situations.

  • Emotion: Motivating oneself and others, exhibiting control under stressful circumstances.

  • Aggressiveness: Playing at full speed, accepting contact, and recognizing that basketball is a contact sport!

  • Confidence: Knowing that you can overcome any challenge when adequately prepared.

  • Physical Toughness: Improving speed and strength through footwork, dynamic warm-ups, and conditioning.

  • Repetition: Dedication to practicing fundamental skills repeatedly to enhance performance.

Key Teaching Points:

  • Supporting athletic development through comprehensive approaches to movement patterns and necessary skills.

  • Encouraging players to push themselves and learn at their own pace.

  • Providing a challenging yet positive environment for skill acquisition.

  • Recognizing that motor learning requires active participation from players.

    Join us on this incredible basketball journey as we embrace the BEAST philosophy. Together, we can unleash our potential, grow as athletes, and create memories that will last a lifetime.